Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The keys

It's predictable that you will have mixed emotions about leaving your job. What was interesting to me though was what triggered these emotions. The first trigger I had was my keychain. It was immediately lighter in weight. I had to give back three hefty, old-fashioned keys to the building I worked in. The lightness of my keychain was a trigger--both good and bad. Not only did it signify a cleansing, a new beginning, a chance to start over with my life--it also brought great sadness to me. No more would I be able to roam the hallowed silent halls of my workplace as I worked in the early hours or into the evening when other workers had long gone home or would I be able to hear the laughter of students and colleagues filling the bustling building during work hours. Still, one month later, when I pick up my keys, I think of what had been such a part of my life. I know the sad memories will fade though and the positive will prevail. A fresh start is ahead of me. I don't have the weight of those keys to carry around any more.

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