Sunday, September 13, 2009

A bit disappointed

I am a bit disappointed that after having three interviews with one company, I was the person who had to make the contact with them and find out that the job had been given to someone else. Oh, well, on to the next contact!

Yes, I'm still here

Yes, I am still looking for a job. I just got sidetracked a bit as I took on a seasonal job at the great Iowa State Fair!!

What an adventure--if you count an adventure as working 12-13 hour days for 14 days in a row!! I did have fun though and learned a lot about myself. Like . . .

1. I could work 12-13 hour days in the sweltering heat and/or during rainy days
2. I don't need to find a desk job anymore like I used to have. My legs held up for those 12 hour days.
3. I developed a new appreciation for sleep. My head hit the pillow as soon as I got home at night.

Most importantly, I gained a new self confidence. After doing that job, I think I can do anything!!